Official Rules of the Florian GERBE Laser-Run Festival

Dates: Friday, October 4, 2024 - Sunday, October 6, 2024

Competition Organization and Schedule

Friday, October 4, 2024 - UNSS Youth Competition


  • Arrival and setup of teams.

  • Welcome and registration of participants for the UNSS youth competition.


  • 1:00 PM: Technical briefing for coaches and young participants, presentation of specific rules and safety measures.

  • 2:00 PM: Free practice sessions on the course for familiarization.

  • 7:00 PM: Opening meeting with all participants, presentation of the program, and Q&A session.

Saturday, October 5, 2024 - Start of Laser-Run Sprint Competition

8:30 AM: Start of Laser-Run Sprint competitions by category.

Category Schedule:

  • M50/70: 400m course.

  • M13 to M15: 400m course.

  • M17 to Seniors: 600m course.


  • Starts will be given every 20 seconds until the end of each category.

Afternoon - Pursuit:

  • Based on the morning times, the start time will be adjusted for each category. The difference in sprint times will be used to determine the order of starts (e.g., if the 1st has a time of 1'43 and the 2nd 1'46, the 2nd will start 3 seconds after the 1st).

  • Course distances remain the same as the official UIPM distances.

Sunday, October 6, 2024 - Laser-Run Open and Mass Start

9:00 AM: Laser-Run Open, with a choice of shooting at 5m.

  • Distances: 3k or 6k depending on the athletes' choice.

1:30 PM: Start of mass starts (Mass Start).

  • Group start like a standard Laser-Run.

  • Mass Start distances will adhere to the official UIPM regulations.

4:30 PM: Award ceremony, closing speeches, and announcement of final results.

5:30 PM: Closing cocktail for all participants, volunteers, and organizers.

Course Procedures

1. Arrival and Registration:

  • Teams and participants must arrive and register on Friday at the technical meeting or online via our website.

2. Technical Briefing:

  • The technical briefing is mandatory for all coaches and participants to ensure understanding of the rules and safety.

3. Free Practice:

  • Participants will have the opportunity to practice on the course to familiarize themselves.

4. Competition:

  • The competition will begin on Saturday morning with Sprint races by category. Each category will have a defined race distance.

  • Starts will be given every 20 seconds for each category.

  • Morning race times will be used to adjust the afternoon starts.

  • On Sunday, the competition will continue with the Laser-Run Open followed by mass starts (Mass Start).

5. Closing Ceremony:

  • The closing ceremony will take place on Sunday afternoon, with the awarding of prizes, closing speeches, and a cocktail for all participants and organizers.

Specific Competition Rules


  • Participants must comply with all safety instructions communicated during the technical briefing.

  • Any dangerous or disrespectful behavior will result in immediate disqualification.


  • Participants must use their own running and shooting equipment.

  • Equipment will be checked before the competition begins to ensure it meets safety standards.


  • The course will be marked and secured to ensure a fair and safe competition for all participants.


  • Shooting will be at a distance of 5m or 10m depending on the category, except for the Open race where shooting will be at 5m.

  • In case of bad weather, the shooting range location may change. A backup location is planned.

Event Procedures:

  • Events will proceed according to the announced schedule. Any program changes will be communicated to participants in real-time.

  • Results will be posted after each event, and points will be awarded according to the established ranking.


  • Any complaints must be submitted in writing and filed with the organization within 30 minutes after the end of the concerned event.

  • Complaints will be reviewed by a jury composed of organization members and official judges.


  • Accreditations will be given to each athlete to ensure access to different competition areas.

Training Area:

  • A training area will be available for each athlete, with specific zones allocated for warm-ups and preparation before events.

Public and VIP Zones


  • Public entry is free to watch the entire competition.

  • Certain VIP zones will be accessible for a fee, offering benefits such as premium seating and additional services.



  • Volunteers will be assigned to different competition areas to ensure optimal organization.

  • Each volunteer will receive a meal pack and a competition pack containing promotional items and event information.



  • For elite races: 10 minutes warm-up at the shooting range.

  • For the Open race: 25 to 35 minutes of free warm-up.

Rankings and Awards


  • A ranking will be established at the end of the Open race, Company Challenge, and Relay.

  • For the relay, it will be in pairs (mixed or not).


  • Open Race: Top 5 of the competition (men and women).

  • Company Challenge: Top 3.

  • Relay: Top 3.

  • 1st of each category.

Elite Race Awards (U22 and Seniors):

Senior Women and Men:

  • 1st: €600

  • 2nd: €400

  • 3rd: €200

  • 4th to 6th: Partner prizes

U22 Women and Men:

  • 1st: €300

  • 2nd: €200

  • 3rd: €150

  • 4th to 6th: Partner prizes

Other Categories (U17, M40 to M50):

  • Awards for the top 3 (men and women).

  • Partner prizes worth €300 for the 1st, €200 for the 2nd, and €150 for the 3rd.

Remaining Categories:

  • The top 3 will be rewarded with prizes.


  • Each participant will receive a participation prize.

Race Rules:

  • We use UIPM regulations for the use of pistols and race rules. Mass Start and pursuit distances will adhere to official UIPM race distances.

We wish all participants an excellent competition and good luck!

Point Scoring System